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Source Data set: UK Greenhouse gas inventory, 1990 to 2008 (en)
Data set information
Short name UK Greenhouse gas inventory, 1990 to 2008
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • GaBiCategories: a5661b37-c582-440c-943f-267ef944dcd5 / e4cd07b2-68a5-4c93-8f26-dac1ca39d64c
Source citation Thomas, J.; MacCarthy, J.; Choudrie, S.; Passant, N.; Thistlethwaite, G.; Murrels, T.; Watterson, J.; Cardens L.; Thomson, A., Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), UK Greenhouse gas inventory, 1990 to 2008, Offordshire, UK, 2010
Publication type Other unpublished and grey literature
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2011-10-31T23:00:00+01:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 34a298be-4daa-457f-bd8f-075755d1d42d
Data set version 36.00.000